/* Another Methods of Traversing in a Linear Array */
#include<stdio.h> /* Header File that are called standard input output*/
#include<conio.h> /* Header File that are called consol input output*/
void main(){ /*start the main function and void that are not return type*/
clrscr(); /* Clear the screen at every time when input new element*/
int LA[] = {20, 65, 73, 88, 33, 95, 25}; /*array that will be stored 5 element*/
int k,count =0, LB=0,UB=7; /*only declare that are integer variable*/
printf("\nThe array contain.....\n");/*Only for print that mean get the output */
for(k=LB;k<UB;k++){ /*that are loop k=0,UB=5*/
printf("%d\t", LA[k]);
k++; /*increase the loop element */
count++; /*to be increase for counting in the array*/
printf("\n\n The number of elements=%d", count); /* Count the element of array */
getch(); /*keep to stay the screen*/
index=0,1,2,3,4 there are 5 index element since, there have 5 element that are 5,6,7,8,3
0 1 2 3 4
Note: 0=5,1=6,2=7,3=8,4=3
when 0<5 that are condition is true and print 0 index that are mean 5
print stil condition 4<5 will be print that are 3 element and next
condition 5<5 that are false condition and exit loop.
Here, when print o index and increase the value of loop the 1 and continue 4 and will be exit loop when value is 5.